Saturday 27 July 2024

Highlights of the EPM Cloud Aug 2024 update - Financial Close


Not a huge amount happening on August EPM update, but a few items to note are:

Account reconciliation

There are 2 new roles available for Access Control  
View & Manage, enhancing the segregation of duties, which was a focus across the EPM Close products announced at the ODTUG Kscope24 conference this month (safe harbor apply)  so we can look forward to welcoming further enhancements for role segregation.

View role – Provides Read Only visibility to the tabs within Access Control, along with viewing user security reports

  • Manage Groups
  • Manage Native Users
  • Manage Application Roles
  • Role Assignment Report
  • User Login Report
  • Manage Teams
  • Manager Users
  • Power User Security
  • User Group Report

Manage role – Can View and Export user security reports

For more details see the Oracle documentation here:

Financial Consolidation and Close

Oracle have added the capability to Export & Import Configurable Consolidation Rules in XML format, with the ability to modify in a text editor, thus making it quicker to move across applications after testing, modifying and amending rules.  Do be aware that when the rules are imported they will have the status of Undeployed  and unfortunately the seeded rulesets cannot be exported!.

Important Actions and Considerations - Highlights

  • Oracle advise installing the Latest version of EPM Automate, and also recommend updating this every month to ensure you have the latest features, bug fixes etc. for smooth operation.
  • Advanced warning for 24.10 update – Changes in the permissions, power users who work with Forms and Dashboards will require security access to the folder in which they create Forms and Dashboards, so it’s a good idea to update the access in advance to avoid disruption.
  • Good news for Forms 2.0 and Dashboard 2.0 – This update indicates that many of the gaps and issues customers were facing have been addressed and recommend customers move to 2.0 see my blog on enabling Forms 2.0 for more details.


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Enabling Forms 2.0 for Oracle Financial consolidation and close (FCC)

  I f you haven’t made the move to Forms 2.0, this blog might be useful before you dive in! Forms 2.0 was first released in 23.11 and ther...